▶ St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church ▶ 9628 48th Avenue, Jenison, Michigan 49428 ▶ Phone: (616) 846-1155
▶ ACM Studio/Office Hours: Monday-Saturday by Appointment ▶ Email Us with Inquiries: [email protected]
▶ St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church ▶ 9628 48th Avenue, Jenison, Michigan 49428 ▶ Phone: (616) 846-1155
▶ ACM Studio/Office Hours: Monday-Saturday by Appointment ▶ Email Us with Inquiries: [email protected]
"Tiny Ocean Tails" Cartoon Now Streaming on Tubi TV
Video Platform Reaches 74 Million Monthly Active Viewers
Allendale Christian Media’s animated cartoon "Tiny Ocean Tails" is now on the streaming video platform Tubi. The 28-minute compilation features all four-story episodes. as well as three "Microtoons" featuring series characters solo offering faith messages. Tubi, an ad-supported video-on-demand service, surpassed 74 million monthly active users in 2023 and logged nearly 4 billion streaming hours for the first half of the calendar year. The main cast of characters in "Tiny Ocean Tails" features actress Venus Monique (as Jolly the Jellyfish), Matthew Todd (as Giddyup the Seahorse), Jerry Della Salla (as Stripe the Bass), DeAnn Alaine as Sparkles the Starfish and Dray Hill (as Tango the Octopus.)
Bridgestone Multimedia to Distribute ACM Cartoons
Bridgestone Multimedia Group, the leading representative of Christian Entertainment, will be representing and distributing ACM animated cartoons beginning this year. A contract was signed on March 9, 2024. Bridgestone provides content for the largest world video platforms such as Netflix and PureFlix. The cartoon package, titled "Blink and Friends," will include ACM animated episodes of "Tiny Ocean Tails" and "Bible Bea." The agreement will introduce these series to a worldwide audience.
Michigan LCMS Recognizes ACM Ministry at Convention
St. John Wins Gutenberg Award
St. John Lutheran Church was the recipient of The Gutenberg Award at the Michigan LCMS All Professional Church Workers Conference at The DeVos Place Convention Center in Grand Rapids on Monday evening, November 20, 2023. The Gutenberg Award was presented in recognition of Allendale Christian Media. Accepting the award on behalf of St. John was Kristen and Kevin Collier, ACM Studio managers. The award is "For embracing and integrating modern communication channels to build community and spread the saving power of the Gospel." Over 1,000 attended the Banquet, which included Michigan District LCMS Pastors and dignitaries. St. John's ACM Studios was chosen for its animation works presenting two cartoon series, both of which were presented on two big-screen monitors in the Convention Room. Photos - The Colliers on stage accepting the award from Rev. David Davis, President of the Michigan District. Watch home video of event here. |
Confronting and Exposing the Devil in Modern Times
"Spiritual Warfare 101" Series Debuts
A new Allendale Christian Media Ministry Series, "Spiritual Warfare 101," made its debut premiered on August 14, 2023. The series will present one topic related to spiritual warfare with three different Pastors providing a Biblical viewpoint. The first entry will feature Reverends Pete Larsen, David Miller and Gary Kirschke, pictured from top to bottom at left, and Reverend Rodney Otto (not pictured). The series serves both as an introduction to the wiles of the devil but also as a guide to train up Christians who may be distracted or misdirected by Satan's lure. Topic questions for a growing roster of Pastoral guests include the many ways the devil uses worldly things and emotion to create distance between us and Jesus. Follow the series here.
Mich. District Digital Media Director Reports on ACM
Jeff Heisner, Digital Media Director/Video Journalist at Michigan District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, visited Allendale Christian Media studios at St. John Lutheran Church (Jension, MI) May 16, 2023, to interview Kristen and Kevin Collier about Allendale Christian Media's mission and direction. As a result, a video report and article were released on June 29. Mr. Heisner shot video for the Michigan District of the Lutheran Church's media outreach to show LCMS members ACM's operational outreach with special interest on the animation projects and original cartoons being produced. Showcased are ACM's “Tiny Ocean Tails” animated series, which will be premiering on Tubi TV by the fall of this year, and ACM's “Bible Bea,” faith-based educational cartoon. Also highlighted was the Collier's "Marty," cartoon series, based on Reformer Martin Luther, created a decade ago and being revived on streaming platforms. Discussion focused on how the LCMS should incorporate animation software in their Sunday Schools where young creatives can develop their own animated faith-based productions. This model would provide young Christians with a skill, as animation is used in many business and advertising applications, not just "cartoons," and presents an ideal opportunity to minister the Word of Jesus Christ through a popular form of media. Read Mr. Heisner's ACM article here.
The Buzz is About Jesus!A new educational animated cartoon series designed to connect with and inspire Christian Families and Children premiered on June 17, 2023. The series, "Bible Bea," features a Bumble Bee named Beatrice, whom everyone knows as Bea, teaching the meaning behind select Bible Verses and presenting scripture readings. Bea will point to a blackboard where the lessons will be displayed. Episode 3 was released on October 7, 2023. Author, Aleesa St. Julian, age 13, plays Beatrice. You can visit her website and discover this young Christian influencer! The objective is to network this feature for use in Sunday School classes, free of charge. Watch all of Bible Bea's cartoons here.
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